AUDISON – Thesis HV Venti
Thesis HV venti is a stereo amplifier built accoridng to absolutely Hi-End parameteres.
Η Audison έχει πάντα ως στόχο την υψηλότερη ποιότητα. Κάθε προϊόν είναι μοναδικό. Σχεδιάστηκε και αναπτύχθηκε για να ενταχθεί στην καλύτερη παγκόσμια παραγωγή. τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά του το καθιστούν απαράμιλλo. Μερικές φορές, ωστόσο, οι επιλογές πρέπει να εξαρτώνται από τεχνικούς λόγους, όπως το γεγονός ότι το προϊόν πρέπει να είναι εύκολο στη χρήση και στις απαιτήσεις της αγοράς.Η γραμμή Thesis, η οποία υποδηλώνει απόλυτα τα προϊόντα Hi-End της Αudison, αποσκοπεί στην αποφυγή αυτής της αναμφισβήτητης πραγματικότητας.Ο Thesis είναι ένας άμεσος σύνδεσμος ανάμεσα στους σχεδιαστές και τους ενθουσιώδεις οπαδούς ηχου, οι οποίοι πάντοτε απλά αναζητούν το καλύτερο σε ένα κοινό πάθος: να ακούτε μουσική. Ο Thesis HV venti είναι ένας στερεοφωνικός ενισχυτής που έχει σχεδιαστεί σύμφωνα με τις παραμέτρους Hi-End.
Load Imp. | Hi-Current | Hi-Power |
4 Ohm | 200 W x 2 800 W x 1 | 400 W x 2 1600 W x 1 |
2 Ohm | 400 W x 2 1300 W x 1 | 800 W x 2 – |
1 Ohm | 350 W x 2 |
Each product, even of high quality, is subject to constraints defined in the design phase, based on the needs of the market. The difference between Thesis HV venti and any other amplifier is very simple, we have not applied any constraints.
Thesis HV venti was born with a unique target, to be the best amplifier in the world!
It represents the maximum expression of the Audison R&D staff, who have pushed themselves beyond the absolute without any brakes, looking for the perfect sound parameteres.
HV venti is a stereo Dual Mono amplifier realized according to absolute Hi End parameters. Four power supplies, low feedback, high bias current: these are only some of the adopted solutions to obtain reference performances.
Through the developing of HV venti project many technological innovations were introduced in audio field. Dual Power lets you set up final stage in two output power configurations, Hi Current or Hi Power. This function permits total conformation to loudspeakers impedance and power handling specifications.
The preamplifier PCB is able to dissipate the heat generated by the active devices while keeping their working temperature at the same level and positively affecting sound. In order to let you admire the masterpiece Audison designers created the electronics is covered by a special tempered scratchproof glass and it is lighted by several white, red and blue leds positioned in strategic spots.
According to the definition of HiRes audio provided by JAS (Japan Audio Society – jas-audio.or.jp), HV venti far exceed the above 40 kHz bandwith analog requirement, providing an astonishing 5 ÷ 75k Hz (@ -3 dB, 2 VRMS, 4 Ω).
Unique output power stage topology, FUNCTION discrete IGBT, realized with a complementary pair of Hitachi DMOS driving two pair of complementary Sanken power BJT, each rated for 30A peak current and 200W dissipation.
A revolutionary function allowing the user to select the amplifiers output power configuration and the operating class.
Four Synchro-PWM power supplies allow for a very fast transient current response and to create a Dual Mono configuration.
Fully balanced JFET differential preamplifier inputs with output buffer for control unit.
AUDISON – Thesis HV Venti